Reflections of the current fastest 4 person caterpillar to run a marathon!

It has been a little over a week since my friends and I traveled out to Berlin, Germany in attempt to set the Guinness World Record for fastest 4 person marathon in a costume! Still ridiculous, but we’re overwhelmed by the support and curiosity that friends, family and folks over the internet have with the Googley eyed Caterpillar (we call it the RADepillar after our friends and family cycling team) that ran the Berlin Marathon. Our official time was 04:53, which beat the previous record holder by a total of 10 minutes.

We’ve received a number of WTF and questions about how this crazy contraption actually worked, so here’s a little write-up:

  1. Inspiration & the team
  2. Submitting the Guinness World Record application
  3. Costume brainstorm
  4. Prototype & construction of RADepillar
  5. Training for a marathon in costume
  6. Flying to Berlin & Marathon Expo
  7. Guinness World Record attempt day in Berlin
  8. Post record attempt thoughts

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